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New this week on Indie Saturday Premiere - Against Their Will

Against Their Will is from the Wilson/Raleigh area of North Carolina. It's easy to see why their single Hellward Bound made #20 on Germany's national underground radio community. It has that gritty, heavy sound made popular by bands like Metallica, Pantera & Godsmack. The lyric "Rolling This Thunder's One Hell Of A Ride" in the song Out of Fear is a perfect descriptive phrase for these guys as they are tearing up their local music scene.

If you like what they are doing show them your support by liking their facebook page, hitting them up on twitter and heading to their reverbnation page to grab their tunes. They are also supporters of the Fender Music Foundation by donating 50% of their reverbnation mp3 sales. This foundation provides instruments to school music programs across the county for more info go here: http://www.fendermusicfoundation.org/

On twitter as @ATWBandNC