Start by typing in the artist:
Listening through a media player for your desktop is as easy as entering the address "siradio.fm" in your favorite media player's Open URL function. We support all major (and several not-so-major) media players.
Click on the links below, to tune in using your default Media Player
Tune in through Winamp/iTunes/VLC
Tune in through Windows Media Player
If you don't have a media player, here are some that we suggest:
Winamp (http://www.winamp.com/media-player/all) is one of the oldest and most feature rich media players for windows. The company that makes winamp, powers the technology behind our streaming servers.
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player comes bundled with all Windows installations. It will replay our stream, but will not display song titles.
iTunes (http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/) is a multipurpose media player by apple, compatible with both Windows and Mac. It also includes an internet radio directory in which we are also listed under the "Hard Rock/Metal" category.
VLC (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) is a feature rich open source media player compatible with pretty much every operating system out there (Windows/Mac/Linux/FreeBSD/Android etc).