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SI Radio Keeps You Covered - Results

 Split Infinity Radio

Split Infinity Radio's back room has a floor again as we successfully handed back the covers on Tuesday, March 26th.

We had an excellent time bringing you eight hours of cover tunes during our Keep It Covered event, and now we have the results of our contest!

Hit Read the Full Story to find out who won the fame and fortune.

First of all - a very big thank you to all of you who tuned in and participated. It was fantastic to see a great amount of listeners join in and have fun with us. We hope you enjoyed the event. Please comment below and let us know what you thought, or email Cookie@siradio.fm. Would you like to see another similar event, possibly with another theme? Let us know.


Before we get to the result, let us share some statistics with you.

We shared out 17,700 infinium.


The richest fake money gatherers from the event were:

  • Linachen with 3900 infinium
  • RemoraDFC with 2800 infinium
  • KidwithSmurf with 2400 infinium.


Also Ashena, Alex, Crossczech, Doragon, Edelric, Pathogen, redcartank, Shalishaska, Viper and Zack McCracken walked away with their virtual purses bulging with internet fame.


Throughout the 6 hours of quizzes, we had 67 raffle tickets added to the pot.


We have 3 winners.


And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for.... Our big raffle winners!

3rd place - Ashena!

2nd place - Kidwithsmurf!

and last but not least...

Our Grand Prize Winner - Linachen!


Congratulations to all our winners!!

(*To claim your prizes, be sure to contact DJ Cookie*)