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Nintendo Switch News Comes Thick and Fast



The Nintendo Switch has had a few interesting things happen over the last couple of days, including a fimware update and a surprising announcement.


First up that firmware, the console has just received the 2.20 update, which according to the patch notes brings “general system stability improvements” and not a lot else, Switch owners will be happy to know it'll be automatically hitting their console when they next switch it on.


And then there's that announcement. The Nintendo Switch is already (in its short life so far) the fastest selling Nintendo console ever. Which considering the car crash that was he Wii U is a welcome surprise for Nintendo fans.


And lastly, on the Nintendo Switch front, financial analysts, Citigroup have predicted that Nintendo may well release a mini version of the Switch in 2019, aimed at children. Whether or not this will actually happen remains to be seen, but Bloomberg have reported on it, so the rumour may well have legs.


Now all Nintendo need to do is release some games, and we'll be golden.