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The World of Capcom – Big Monsters, Crushing difficulty and that Nostalgic 1-2 Punch! Part 1


Known for their Resident Evil series, Megaman, and the widly popular Monster Hunter, Capcom had its first PAXEast panel ever this year. A crowded panel room on Saturday was expecing some big news, and for the most part, we got it. 

First drop of news we got was there is going to be a bigger focus on North America throughout the year. Japan really led all of the initiatives for Capcom, and they want to swing that over to North America so we feel the love as well. A point of this was emphesized with the over 1 million downloads of Streetfighter X Mega Man. Rounding out the Mega Man news is some Virtual console releases: Mega Man 4 April 25th, Mega Man 5 around May 16th and Mega Man 6 hitting us sometime in June.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

 Monster hunter 3 reared up and beared some pretty impressive fangs as the next segment of Capcom's. The video they played showed the 4 player online co-op for the Wii-U AND 4-player local play co-op for the 3DS. With over 200 quests to battle through, you will be wearing your favorite titanic creature as a set of armour soon enough. The best part about this though is that 3DS players can play with Wii-U Players to share the experience and battle with friends for thier monster hunting glory. The 3DS also has a “Local Hunters Search” feature, which checks for other hunters in your area to join up with. 


Remember Me The next series they talked about was their new IP – Remember Me. Brand new out of the gates they have a new trailer about the game, and drop a bit of news. The live demo for Remember Me was quite good, showing off some combat, the mechanics of Nilin, a Memory Hunter. Set in Neo-Paris you take the roll of this mater Memory Hunter, who not just takes memories, but remix's them to her whim, shaping and altering someone and re-writing their history. Memories are not only something unique to each person, but a comodity, which can be bought and sold so others can relive those experiences. Game drops June 4th and I can tell you from first hand knowledge, this is one to be on the look out for. A hint given to us from the panel was “Unlock your fight move memories and create your custom combos unique to your fighting style” which to me is awesome. Check out the trailer here



Resident Evil

One series which gets a lot of flak, and for its last two major iterations it is kinda deserved, is Resident Evil. They were talking about RE: Revelations being upgraded and shifted over to the more powerful Wii U, PS3 and 360 and PC via steam. This game seems to take the series back to its roots as a horror survival game vs an action one, and while I have not played Resident Evil in many years (didn't like 5 when I played, skipped 6 due to general consumer distaste) this seems to be much more up the originals alley. There is an improved Raid mode over the 3DS version of the game which includes new weapons, skill sets and playable characters including Hunk and Rachel. On top of this, there is also support from Residentevil.net to keep track of your in-game stats and take advantage of RE.net content/perks. You will also have acces to a Genesis scanner, which puts the character into a sort of hunter-gather mode, allowing you to look for ammo, herbs and other items which will help you and if you want to punish yourself, you can take on Infernal mode, which alters enemy placement, later stage enemies appear earlier, and generally mess you up something fierce. May 21st is the release date for this game and its trailer is here

See part two For Dragons Dogma, Lost Planet, Street Fighter and Capcom's two World premiere's